Thursday, June 30, 2011

Let's update.

It is time for another blog. Like seriously-two weeks-past-time. But let's face it, I am busy. And tired. And a little obsessed with my floor at the moment. I need to give an update on my summer see how much I have (not)accomplished.

Let's see....

1. Blog more Well, I have blogged like, 3 times this summer? Does that count as more? I blog almost every day in my head, but I never seem to be able to sit down at the computer and type it up. Let's say I am still working on this one. I will give it a .5.
2. Learn to cook gluten and casein free (that stuff is expensive!) This summer, so far, I have made several gfcf dinners for my family. Most of them have been really good too! Even better, I have used my crockpot for the majority of them, which is another goal I have had for years. Check out Do it. Now. Well, wait until you read mine first. Alas, I think Maddie has eaten a whopping 2 of the meals I have learned to cook for her. The best part though! I baked, this morning, using coconut flour!!! This counts. Totally. I give this goal a 1.
3. Get a handle on meal planning I am getting better at this, but it is still a challenge for me. I have cooked at home almost all summer, but I wouldn't say I have a "handle" on it. I give this one a .5
4. Organize the children's rooms (this is an every-summer-sort-of-goal, and it never happens) Hahahahaha...I am too obsessed with my floor. Big fat o.
5. Teach my children to follow directions without yelling (they can do this at school, but struggle at home) We are definitely working on this. We had a family meeting last week that went well. The kids gave their input, we gave ours, we overruled the kids. Just kidding. We came up with rules and consequences written down. It's like I am a teacher at home, too. It is working though. We are well on our way to eliminating "unnecessary crying". That's my fave. I will give this a 1.
6. Camp more (or at all, really) Uh, yeah...about this...0.
7. Spend more time with my children Like, every single day with my children. All day. I wouldn't say it is always quality time though, which is what I want to get better at. I give it .5 for being with them ALL the time.
8. Laugh more I forgot this was a goal. I really need to laugh more. This summer has been really stressful financially, and it is spilling over into everything. Sadly, this gets a 0. I need a giggly girls' night.
9. Go on more playdates with friends (this helps all parties involved) We have seen friends quite a bit this summer, but not nearly as much as I would like. Everyone is so busy! Blake is branching out and spending the night at friends' houses. I will give this a .5 too.
10. Help my children understand the value of family and the importance of pitching in Sheesh. What a lofty, but necessary, goal! And an ongoing process. The family meeting helped, and so did limiting 'screen time". I give this a .5.

Huh. 4.5/10...a 45%? That's terrible! I guess I have some things to work on. Maybe I will have to actually write down those blogs instead of just thinking them in the shower! I am working on one called "Nonstress tests: What are they and why does everyone need one all of a sudden?" I also want to do a few on breastfeeding, Cole's birth story, and of course, eating.

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