Monday, May 16, 2011

Goal Setting

I know I have been remiss in my blog. This makes me sad, because I really enjoy is very therapeutic for me. I often find myself composing blogs in the shower or while driving, but I never seem to find the time to sit and type it out. That being said, I am setting some goals for the summer to get my family and my life back onto the track I want it to be on.
So, without further adieu, here they are (in no specific order):

1. Blog more
2. Learn to cook gluten and casein free (that stuff is expensive!)
3. Get a handle on meal planning
4. Organize the children's rooms (this is an every-summer-sort-of-goal, and it never happens)
5. Teach my children to follow directions without yelling (they can do this at school, but struggle at home)
6. Camp more (or at all, really)
7. Spend more time with my children
8. Laugh more
9. Go on more playdates with friends (this helps all parties involved)
10. Help my children understand the value of family and the importance of pitching in

More to it is off to feed children, get backpacks ready for tomorrow, baths, brush teeth, stories, and bed. Not to mention the laundry, dishes......let's face it, I am not even going to pretend to get to those things!

1 comment:

  1. Kerry! What a great blog and cool journey! I'm looking forward to learning about your discoveries! :)
